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A little poem for the soul

Sometimes I just want to disappear

Just stop existing or go somewhere

In a place where my illness is not haunting me

Where my brain can be free

Sometimes I wish I could just take out my illness as if it was a little chip

or maybe sometimes I wish there was a cure

A cure for this thing that turns my life upside down

Sometimes disappearing seems like the only answer

But by disappearing I don’t mean death

I just wish I could just go to a magic place for a while where there are no illnesses

Where I don’t have to take 7 pills a day and make sure I don’t miss my weekly therapy appointments

and I can sleep without needing medicine to help me fall asleep

A place where I can experience and feel what’s a life without a disorder like

A place where I can be just like everyone else.

- Camila Sosa

I wrote this poem to describe all the times I'm too tired for any reason, having to deal with a disorder is not easy. The days where where my brain knows I'm physically and mentally tired but there comes my disorder and decides to play tricks on me. Making me feel hopeless and begin wishing that I didn't have this monster in my head.

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